File a Complaint
If you are now or may soon be filing a complaint with the University Judiciary Committee (UJC), this page provides some basic information for you. The UJC is dedicated to promoting the health and safety of all students at UVa. Several useful tips and links are provided below. Feel free to contact the UJC for more information. If this is an emergency or you wish to report a crime in progress, or an act or threat of violence, please call 911 immediately.
If you are hurting from a recent experience, the UJC maintains a list of outside resources (including confidential professionals) who would like to help.
The UJC is UVa's primary judiciary body, charged with the authority to investigate and adjudicate alleged violations of the University Standards of Conduct by any UVa student or student group. Other units of the University—not the UJC—handle cases involving any of the elements below:
- persons who are determined under procedures adopted by the President of the University to have contributory health impairments (CHIs);
- violations of University motor vehicle regulations;
- tuition and scholarship agreements and contractual disputes between students and the University;
- the Student Council or the Honor Committee;
- the the exercise of journalistic and editorial functions by student groups; or
- allegations of Prohibited Conduct, as defined in the Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence
Complaints which allege activity that does not fall within the jurisdiction of the UJC will be forwarded to the appropriate office of the University.
Sexual & Gender-Based Violence
If you feel you have been the victim of—or have witnessed—sexual or gender-based harassment or violence, explore your options on the Just Report It (JRI) website where UVa maintains information about current policies and what you can do.
If you would like to submit a report, file it with the JRI system. Reports filed here will be directed to the proper department. You can do so with the full confidence that reports will be treated seriously and investigated promptly and impartially, and without fear of reprisal or retaliation for making a report in good faith.
Other Violations of University Policy, Law, or Standards of Conduct
If you believe a student or student group has committed a violation of University policy, local, state, or federal law, or another one of the Standards of Conduct, the UJC may have jurisdiction to hear the case. If you have any questions about what might fall within the UJC’s jurisdiction, please contact an Executive Committee member.
If you would like to submit a complaint, file it with the UJC system. Complaints filed here will be reviewed by the UJC and may result in a case. Any person can bring a student or student group up on UJC charges. The person who files the complaint is referred to as the Complainant and will have to participate in the UJC investigation and hearing, if a case results. The Complainant can, however, drop any or all charges prior to trial. If a case results and the Accused is found guilty, the UJC may impose sanctions on the Accused by decision of a panel of student judges.
The UJC has a statute of limitations which requires that complaints be filed within 45 calendar days of the day upon which the reporter knew or should have known the identity of the violator.
Once a complaint is filed, all case-related information must by federal law be kept strictly confidential unless the Accused gives explicit, written consent otherwise.
For more information or to confidentially speak with someone about the possibility of filing a case with the UJC, contact [email protected] or any member of the Executive Committee.