Sanctioned Students

Sanctioned Students

This page is designed to help students who have received a sanction through the University Judiciary Committee.

Completing Your Sanction

You should have received an email notification to log onto the UJC online system to check your sanction. Follow the instructions on the email to see specifics of the sanction, including relevant points of contact, due dates, word counts, and other details. Be sure to provide any necessary documentation, proof of attendance, or written materials to the Vice Chair for Sanctions (contact info available under the Who We Are tab -> Executive Committee).

Failure to complete your sanction by your deadline constitutes a violation of your sanction. If you violate your sanction, you may face additional penalties including, but not limited to community service, restrictions of University activities, and registration blocks.

If the UJC believes you to be in violation of your sanction you will be sent an official notification via email. If you are having difficulty completing your sanction on-time and in full, please contact the Vice Chair for Sanctions (contact info available under the Who We Are tab -> Executive Committee) as soon as possible. Failure to complete your sanctions could result in additional Standard 11 charges from the UJC.

If at any time you have any questions or problems with completing your sanction you can contact the Vice Chair for Sanctions.  The Vice Chair for Sanctions is the only person who can approve any modifications or extensions.

Sanction Information

The following section is intended to provide  information regarding some commonly assigned sanctions. Further questions should be directed to the Vice Chair for Sanctions.


Essay sanctions should adhere to the following minimum requirements:

  1. Essays should be of the requisite number of words/pages.
  2. Essays should be written with 12 point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1 inch margins.
  3. Essays should be written to a standard that might be considered acceptable as a piece of college writing.
  4. Essays should cite any materials used and include a bibliography of any sources.
  5. Essays should be written in conformity with the Honor Code of the University of Virginia and include the Honor pledge.
  6. Essays should not serve as justifications of one’s actions.
  7. Essays should not be used to evaluate the actions of others, unless such an evaluation is specifically called for by the sanction title.

Letters should also follow the essay guidelines. Both should be submitted electronically to the Vice-Chair for Sanctions.

Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in a refusal to accept the essay and could result in the student being in violation of their sanction. Letters should also follow the essay guidelines. Both should be submitted electronically to the Vice-Chair for Sanctions.

When completing essays, letters, and other written sanctions, always adhere to the Trial Panel’s specifications. These will be included in the text of your sanction, which you can access via the UJC online system. The Vice Chair for Sanctions will also reach out to discuss the details and requirements of your sanction soon after your UJC trial. When in doubt, always ask the Vice Chair for Sanctions any questions you have about your sanction prior to the deadline.

Approved by the Committee

September 15th, 2024.



WahooWell utilizes a harm reduction approach and is designed as

    • A conversation that helps you explore your strengths, goals, and motivations related to well-being
    • A positive, student driven, free, confidential, and non-judgmental resource
    • Well-being focused, not therapy

WahooWell is available for all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students at UVA and consists of a confidential well-being survey and two confidential follow up one on one meetings.  In your appointment with a WahooWell facilitator you will be provided an opportunity to be heard, encouraged, and validated in a way that motivates you to accomplish personally meaningful goals. The survey consists of a general well-being section and questions about four areas of well-being that commonly come up for students at UVA: Sleep, Connection, Stress, and Substance Use.  You will be given the opportunity to specifically explore the role of substance use in your life along with other areas of your personal well-being.

Other facts about WahooWell:

  • Focus is on general well-being while still addressing substance use as a piece of that broader topic
  • WahooWell is for any student who wants to explore their well-being goals
  • Free (for all students regardless of referral source)
  • Students can still select to have their completion of WahooWell released at the end of their second meeting with us
  • Located at the Office of Health Promotion, lower level of Elson Student Health and Wellness

To schedule, please go online and click the “WahooWell Sign Up” button.

Community Service

The following are typical community service sanction organizations. The due date given in your sanction is a reasonable estimate of the time needed to arrange and complete your sanction. It is recommended that you contact these organizations as soon as possible as they may not be able to accommodate you with community service at the last minute and this will place you in violation of your sanction. The UJC will allow you to complete your sanctioned hours with a  wide variety of community service organizations so long as the hours are pre-approved by the Vice Chair for Sanctions. Please be aware that the UJC does not accept any community service performed through Madison House, given as part of a sanction by some other body, or for which the student receives payment.