Sanction Guidelines

Sanction Guidelines

Essay sanctions should adhere to the following minimum requirements:

  1. Essays should be of the requisite number of words/pages.
  2. Essays should be written with 12 point Times New Roman font, double spacing and 1 inch margins.
  3. Essays should be written to a standard that might be considered acceptable as a piece of college writing.
  4. Essays should cite any materials used and include a bibliography of any sources.
  5. Essays should be written in conformity with the Honor Code of the University of Virginia and include the Honor pledge.
  6. Essays should not serve as justifications of one’s actions.
  7. Essays should not be used to evaluate the actions of others, unless such an evaluation is specifically called for by the sanction title.

Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in a refusal to accept the essay and could result in the student being in violation of his/her sanction.

Approved by the Committee

September 21st , 2003.